Just for fun, "Oldies but goodies"
The past few yrs I have not put up my current choreographies here; I email, put on FB page, or give handouts in class.
Here are a few from the past for your interest: (Not to be used without my permission, contact me if interested)
“Bir Demet Yasemin” (Bouquet of Jasmine) Traditional Turkish
– a sad love song (a bouquet of jasmine is all I have left of your love, my heart is wounded, wounded, etc),
this piece is particularly beloved of American Bellydancers for veil. Choreography Liesa 9/12
This rendition is by Pat Olsen (oud) Pangia Vol 2; available Itunes & Amazon - see below
4 sets entrance music to get to place / *most counts are in "slow" 8s
I. Hipovers veil overhead w arms in vee 8 (use R foot 1st weight while lifting L hip) while facing front/Go in self circle CW, at counts 7 & 8 put veil in front, make front drape w hands at back of head.
Hip fig 8s w front drape 8 [open veil at last 4 counts], veil swishes RLRL. Put veil behind in high Vee arms.
II. Walks w veil behind, arms in high Vee : 1) Walk forward, lean F/B (sway); 2) Walk back, F/B sway; 3) walk forward R diag, sway; 4) Walk backwards back to place, put veil in front.
“Turban” [“matador”] veil to R L R L w swishes down & up on each side
III. Walk briskly with “sail” [R hand at head, L arm extended] in oblong floor pattern: go to R, to back , continue CW (R) up to front 2 x / At front, switch arms, do pattern going CCW (L) tracing obling. End face front, veil up behind you.
Hip drops (16) R lifting veil , L hip crescents (8) [1/2 circle rolls] lowering veil, put veil in front at last 4 counts
IV. Veil in front drape travel w side snakes to R 8/ then travel to L 8, opening veil.
Snake arms with veil in front: [RL slow RLRL quick with dip] x 4; put veil behind you.
V. Ending: Walk forward, walk back w arms in high vee, sway a bit forward, step back lowering veil, lift veil with "loft". Pose backs of hands together in R hip drop pose.
Bow: Open veil to 2nd position, R foot extend to side, curtsy
"Bir Demet Yasemin" from Pangia Vol 2 by Pat Olson Get Music from Amazon, CDBaby, Itunes, CD or MP3 download
Available at Itunes, amazon.com, bellydance.com, Eddie's website
“Raks Azhar” (dance of desert flower) Eddie the Sheik “Strictly Belly Dancing Vol. 3 – Medley of 4/4 2:35
Chor Liesa rev.7/2012 *not to be used without permission
1. 8 drum counts run to place
2. R Hip up, down, up (down) x 4, arms low vee, flex palms - zills singles
3. Snake arms / Arms R,L slow; R, L bit faster; rpt snake arms - no zills
4. Classic arms R,L slow; R, L bit faster; Chest circles CW
5. Large hip circles CW 4x
6. Hip drops w crescents: R 8, L 8, L crescent 4x - zills RLR
7. Hip bumps: Singles w hands at hips, RLRLRL; hands at hand, RLRLRL - no zills
Rpt arm frames w double bumps: RRLLRR; LLRRLL
8. Shimmies: 8 cts in place, lifting arms to vertical column; 8 cts w/ small torso twists - no zills
9.Push off step w “cat hands”: 4 R, 4 L, 2 R, 2 L, 8cts singles lifting arms to 2nd position -RLR zills
10. Fast hip lifts: 8 R, 8 L, 8 L w/ ¼ turn to face R diag ; 8 R to return to front -zills
11. Mayas: 2 x 8 cts
12. Small hip circles CW
13. Hip fig 8s start R
14. Flat/ball walk in own circle CW, lead w right foot, arms low w flexed hands, slightly to back - All
15. End face front, step back R foot, pivot around L foot, pose. Ta da!
CCC Choreography by Liesa inspired by Tanna Valentine
not to be used without permission Mustafa ya Mustafa (O traveler!) from Belly Dance New York with Amir Naoum & Elias Sarkar
Swinging walk to place with bouncy drumbeats
8 syncopated beats: Pose for R hip drops, prepare, arms in L shape, L arm up, R arm extend to front
Melody starts:
A.Drops n Twists:
Hip Drops w L arms / Hip lifts w “sassy arms”;
Arms low vee: Twists RL even/ Lean forward, R hip twist FF, BB
B. Step hip walk w bouncy hip circles, w Arms low vee: Going forward [(Step R, L hip up, step L, R hip up) x 2; large bouncy hip circle CW (to the R)]; Repeat [walk, then circle], going backwards to place
C. Shoulders: Hits R, L: Lean slightly F, B, F, B
D. Side snakes: Travel to R, travel to L, Hip fig 8s in place (start w R hip going forward)
Repeat A
Repeat B
E. Step-together walk to R, Shlder shimmies w dip in place; Repeat to L
C “Shoulders” music repeats, but instead walk back to place w shoulder rolls
Repeat D w variation: Side snakes traveling to R, snakes in place; Repeat travel to L, snakes in place
Repeat B w variation: Use arm patterns on walks (1 hand at head, extend arm front with hip that lifts) & substitute double hip bumps in place of bouncy hip circles, arms low vee
Repeat E
Ending: *Diagonal step-hips in place, starting R (Face fight diagonal, L diagonal as you step-lift hip
Repeat B w variation: just going forward, then:
*R hip drops w slight lean back
*End pose, arms to out to sides in relaxed 2nd position
Music from Album in CD form or MP3 or just the song used available from Amazon or Itunes CD or download at Amazon
Matrohsh Baeed (Don’t Go Away) *lyrics in Lyrics tab
sung by Latifa (popular Tunisian singer, home is Lebanon) choreography: Liesa 2007 rev 2012
Electronic pulse music ( 2 pulses) Enter to places, brisk walk from stage Right, 8 beats prepare, then: HIT IT R hip 1st for double bumps:
Latifa-Habbibi-Matrosh-Baed (song name)International Idol EP - (album)
The past few yrs I have not put up my current choreographies here; I email, put on FB page, or give handouts in class.
Here are a few from the past for your interest: (Not to be used without my permission, contact me if interested)
“Bir Demet Yasemin” (Bouquet of Jasmine) Traditional Turkish
– a sad love song (a bouquet of jasmine is all I have left of your love, my heart is wounded, wounded, etc),
this piece is particularly beloved of American Bellydancers for veil. Choreography Liesa 9/12
This rendition is by Pat Olsen (oud) Pangia Vol 2; available Itunes & Amazon - see below
4 sets entrance music to get to place / *most counts are in "slow" 8s
I. Hipovers veil overhead w arms in vee 8 (use R foot 1st weight while lifting L hip) while facing front/Go in self circle CW, at counts 7 & 8 put veil in front, make front drape w hands at back of head.
Hip fig 8s w front drape 8 [open veil at last 4 counts], veil swishes RLRL. Put veil behind in high Vee arms.
II. Walks w veil behind, arms in high Vee : 1) Walk forward, lean F/B (sway); 2) Walk back, F/B sway; 3) walk forward R diag, sway; 4) Walk backwards back to place, put veil in front.
“Turban” [“matador”] veil to R L R L w swishes down & up on each side
III. Walk briskly with “sail” [R hand at head, L arm extended] in oblong floor pattern: go to R, to back , continue CW (R) up to front 2 x / At front, switch arms, do pattern going CCW (L) tracing obling. End face front, veil up behind you.
Hip drops (16) R lifting veil , L hip crescents (8) [1/2 circle rolls] lowering veil, put veil in front at last 4 counts
IV. Veil in front drape travel w side snakes to R 8/ then travel to L 8, opening veil.
Snake arms with veil in front: [RL slow RLRL quick with dip] x 4; put veil behind you.
V. Ending: Walk forward, walk back w arms in high vee, sway a bit forward, step back lowering veil, lift veil with "loft". Pose backs of hands together in R hip drop pose.
Bow: Open veil to 2nd position, R foot extend to side, curtsy
"Bir Demet Yasemin" from Pangia Vol 2 by Pat Olson Get Music from Amazon, CDBaby, Itunes, CD or MP3 download
Available at Itunes, amazon.com, bellydance.com, Eddie's website
“Raks Azhar” (dance of desert flower) Eddie the Sheik “Strictly Belly Dancing Vol. 3 – Medley of 4/4 2:35
Chor Liesa rev.7/2012 *not to be used without permission
1. 8 drum counts run to place
2. R Hip up, down, up (down) x 4, arms low vee, flex palms - zills singles
3. Snake arms / Arms R,L slow; R, L bit faster; rpt snake arms - no zills
4. Classic arms R,L slow; R, L bit faster; Chest circles CW
5. Large hip circles CW 4x
6. Hip drops w crescents: R 8, L 8, L crescent 4x - zills RLR
7. Hip bumps: Singles w hands at hips, RLRLRL; hands at hand, RLRLRL - no zills
Rpt arm frames w double bumps: RRLLRR; LLRRLL
8. Shimmies: 8 cts in place, lifting arms to vertical column; 8 cts w/ small torso twists - no zills
9.Push off step w “cat hands”: 4 R, 4 L, 2 R, 2 L, 8cts singles lifting arms to 2nd position -RLR zills
10. Fast hip lifts: 8 R, 8 L, 8 L w/ ¼ turn to face R diag ; 8 R to return to front -zills
11. Mayas: 2 x 8 cts
12. Small hip circles CW
13. Hip fig 8s start R
14. Flat/ball walk in own circle CW, lead w right foot, arms low w flexed hands, slightly to back - All
15. End face front, step back R foot, pivot around L foot, pose. Ta da!
CCC Choreography by Liesa inspired by Tanna Valentine
not to be used without permission Mustafa ya Mustafa (O traveler!) from Belly Dance New York with Amir Naoum & Elias Sarkar
Swinging walk to place with bouncy drumbeats
8 syncopated beats: Pose for R hip drops, prepare, arms in L shape, L arm up, R arm extend to front
Melody starts:
A.Drops n Twists:
Hip Drops w L arms / Hip lifts w “sassy arms”;
Arms low vee: Twists RL even/ Lean forward, R hip twist FF, BB
B. Step hip walk w bouncy hip circles, w Arms low vee: Going forward [(Step R, L hip up, step L, R hip up) x 2; large bouncy hip circle CW (to the R)]; Repeat [walk, then circle], going backwards to place
C. Shoulders: Hits R, L: Lean slightly F, B, F, B
D. Side snakes: Travel to R, travel to L, Hip fig 8s in place (start w R hip going forward)
Repeat A
Repeat B
E. Step-together walk to R, Shlder shimmies w dip in place; Repeat to L
C “Shoulders” music repeats, but instead walk back to place w shoulder rolls
Repeat D w variation: Side snakes traveling to R, snakes in place; Repeat travel to L, snakes in place
Repeat B w variation: Use arm patterns on walks (1 hand at head, extend arm front with hip that lifts) & substitute double hip bumps in place of bouncy hip circles, arms low vee
Repeat E
Ending: *Diagonal step-hips in place, starting R (Face fight diagonal, L diagonal as you step-lift hip
Repeat B w variation: just going forward, then:
*R hip drops w slight lean back
*End pose, arms to out to sides in relaxed 2nd position
Music from Album in CD form or MP3 or just the song used available from Amazon or Itunes CD or download at Amazon
Matrohsh Baeed (Don’t Go Away) *lyrics in Lyrics tab
sung by Latifa (popular Tunisian singer, home is Lebanon) choreography: Liesa 2007 rev 2012
Electronic pulse music ( 2 pulses) Enter to places, brisk walk from stage Right, 8 beats prepare, then: HIT IT R hip 1st for double bumps:
- Habib matrohsh baeed : Double hip bumps in place 8 cts x 4. Arm positions each 8 cts: 1) hands at hips, 2) 2nd, 3) wide vee overhead, 4) cobra hands overhead*Pose arms into position for next step below:
- Yeahhh: Hip bumps on diagonal: R hip 8cts x 2 /L hand at head; R arm extend to front; Repeat L side
- Heyyy-oooo: Hip drops: 8 cts on R /diagonal arms; 8 cts drops front-front/back-back / “shelf hands” at hip; Rpt L
- Habib matrohsh baeed: Front/back step w/hip push in a box CCW / arms low vee [relaxed, can "swing" a bit] : R foot forward: 2 front, 2 face L all , 2 face back wall, 2 face R wall
- Walking hips & shimmy: 8 cts walk to R diag /hands at hips; shimmy in place 8 / arms low vee; Rpt to L (Step on R foot 1st each way)
- Habibi unta Push-off step 8cts R, 4 in place; rpt to L / “Cat hands”
- Yalil, yalli: Side-to-side step-sways RLRLRLRL / arms 2nd position; do 2 sets of [mayas 2 slow lowering arms, 4 fast slight dip & lift / hands frame hips] /*Center dancers dip low-low-low
- Ohhhhhh: Shimmy in place facing front, lifting arms [“sweater lift”]
- Rpt #4 CW using left foot as lead (L foot forward 1st, going to the R)
- 8 counts ea starting on R: RLRL - Snake arms, Hip fig 8s, shoulders; Hip fig 8
- Heyyy-oooos: rpt # 3
- Simi: Rpt # 6 & 8 [no push-off step]
- Music slows: Hip fig 8s, hipovers w hand circles
- Hip circles CW (to R); CCW (to L) w arm gestures
- Rpt # 9 (shmmi in place, sweater lift arms)
- F/B step travel a bit to R; rpt to L back to place
- Hip bumps w arms as in beginning
- …end Pose! Arms overhead in Vee, R ft extend out to side. Bow: take hands, back group move up to meet front group, R ft behind, bow.
Latifa-Habbibi-Matrosh-Baed (song name)International Idol EP - (album)